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What is Server | How is Server Used for Website?

  A server is an online computer; it is used for hosting a site or web application. Severs are of different types and their list is endless to count. It has become more common in today's business world to have many servers in the business environment. A server can be viewed as a computer attached to a network and is one of the most critical components of any business. Here are some of the things that you should know about servers. Usage of Server Servers are used to store information on computers. The servers have one purpose and that is to store data. The information can be anything from data stored on a hard drive to emails. For instance, if you are running to a department store and you were looking for someone to help run your accounting department, what would you require? Perhaps you will need a new employee? You could look online or hire a nanny? Instead of hiring one person for all of your business, you would hire an employee or virtual assistant. What is a computer s

How Does Internet Work? Who Own The Internet?

Whole world is connected with the Internet but have you ever thought about how the internet works. You may have thought that it works with satellite or network spread all over the world but you won’t know that 99% of the internet works with optical fibercable. Optical Fiber Cable                                                           Now you will think that I use a mobile, on mobile which cable is connected. So the tower from where you get internet from that tower the cable is connected & spread. Let me explain to you in an easy way. For receiving of internet, the internet has to pass through 3 different companies:- ·          Tier 1 :-        This is the company which has spread cables all over the world underwater. The Internet is totally free. If you are at home and your office is 2km away from your home so you can add a cable from your home to office and connect both the computers and now assume it as the internet so the money you spend is only for cable not for the comput